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熱搜L-乳酸乙酯 、 對氯苯甲醛乳酸 、 叔戊醇鈉丙三醇
產(chǎn)品目錄: 綜合
  • 中文名稱:9-甲基-Β-咔啉中文別名:9-甲基-9H-吡啶并[3,4-B]吲哚;9-甲基-9H-吡啶并[3,4-B]吲哚;Β-咔啉英文名稱:9-Methyl-9H-beta-carboline英文別名: 9-methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole;9-Methyl-9H-pyrido[3,4-b]indole;9-Methyl-9H-β-carbolineCAS:2521-07-5分子式: C12H10N2分子量:  182.2212含量:99%外觀:淡黃色粉末包裝:1公斤/包
  • Product name:PalmitoylethanolamideOther name:N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-hexadecanamidCAS: 544-31-0Molecular Formula:C18H37NO2Molecular Weight: 299.49Purity:98.0%Appearance: Fine white crystal powderPackage:25kg/drum
  • 中文名稱:精胺四鹽酸鹽;精胺其他品名:N,N'-二(3-胺丙基)-1,4-丁二胺四鹽酸鹽,N,N'-雙(3-胺丙基)-1,4-丁二胺四鹽酸鹽英文名稱:Spermidine Tetrahydrochloride;N,N'-bis(3-aminopropyl)butane-1,4-diamine,tetrahydrochloride;1,4-ButanediamineCAS: 306-67-2分子式:C10H30Cl4N4分子量: 348.18400含量:98%外觀:白色至類白色固體包裝:1kg/包
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:N-(1-(苯基乙?;?-L-脯氨酰)甘氨酸乙酯英文名稱:Noopept,GVS-111英文別名: N-(1-(Phenylacetyl)-L-prolyl)glycine ethyl esterCAS:157115-85-0分子式:C17H22N2O4分子量:318.37含量:99.5%外觀:白色粉末包裝:25公斤/桶
  • Product name: 4-[3-(4-Hydroxybutyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2,5-dioxo-1-imidazolidinyl]-2-(trifluoromethyl)benzonitrileOther name: RU58841CAS Number: 154992-24-2Molecular Formula: C17H18F3N3O3Molecular Weight: 369.34Purity: 99%Apearance: white powderPackage: 1kg/bag
  • Product name:Calcium Ketoglutarate MonohydrateOther name:Calcium 2-oxoglutarateCAS:71686-01-6Formula Molecular:C5H4CaO5·H2OMolecular Weight:184.16Assay:98%Appearance:White powderPackage:25kg/drum
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:亞精胺三鹽酸鹽中文別名:亞精胺三鹽酸鹽;三鹽酸亞精胺;N-(3-氨丙基)-1,4-丁二胺三鹽酸鹽英文名稱:Spermidine英文別名:1,4-Butanediamine,N1-(3-aminopropyl)-, hydrochloride (1:3);Spermidine hydrochloride; Spermidinetrihydrochloride; 1,4-Butanediamine,N-(3-aminopropyl)-, trihydrochloride (8CI,9CI); Spermidine trihydrochlorideCAS:334-50-9分子式:C7H22Cl3N3分子量:254.63純度:98%外觀與性狀:白色粉末
  • Product name:Ibutamoren mesilate,MK677CAS:159752-10-0Molecular formula:C28H40N4O8S2 Molecular weight:624.76900Purity:99%Appearance:White powderPackage:1kg/bag
  • 檸檬酸鉀    POTASSIUM CITRATE 一、化學名稱:檸檬酸鉀;2 -羥基丙烷-1, 2 ,3 -三羧酸三鉀-水物;枸櫞酸鉀 二、分子式:K3C6H5O7·H2O 三、分子量:324.41 四、CAS:  6100-05-6 五、性狀:透明晶體或白色粗粉,無臭, 味咸,有清涼感, 相對密度 1.98。在空氣中易吸濕潮解??扇苡诟视停瑤缀醪蝗苡谝掖?。 六、用 途: 在食品工業(yè)中作緩沖劑、螯合劑、穩(wěn)定劑、抗氧化劑、乳化劑、調(diào)味劑等。可用于乳及乳制品、果凍、果醬、肉類、罐裝水凝膠點心,亦用于干酪的乳化、柑橘的保鮮等。在醫(yī)藥工業(yè)中用于低血鉀癥和鉀缺乏癥及堿化尿液。 七、包裝:內(nèi)襯聚乙烯塑料袋,外套復(fù)合塑料編織袋包裝,每袋凈重25kg。 八、貯存與運輸:本品應(yīng)貯存在干燥通風清潔的庫房中,裝載運輸時要輕裝輕放,防止包裝破損,防止受潮、受熱,運輸過程中防止雨淋受潮,應(yīng)與有毒物品隔離。 質(zhì)量指標 Specification GB1886.74--2015 FCC VII 含量(干基),w/%          Content(Dry Basis),w/%  99.0-100.5 99.0-100.5 透光率 %           ≥ Light Transmittance %       ≥ 95.0 ———— 氯化物(Cl) ,w/%   ≤ Chlorides (Cl), w/%         ≤ 0.005 ———— 硫酸鹽 ,w/%      ≤ Sulfates,w/%            ≤ 0.015 ———— 草酸鹽 ,w/%      ≤ Oxalates,w/%             ≤ 0.03 ———— 總砷(As),mg/kg  ≤ As,mg/kg                 ≤ 1.0 ———— 鉛,mg/kg          ≤ Lead(Pb),mg/kg         ≤ 2.0 2.0 堿度 Alkalinity 通過試驗 Pass Test 干燥減量,w/%     Loss on Drying ,w/% 3.0-6.0 3.0-6.0 易碳化物          ≤ Easily Carbonize Substances   ≤ 1.0 ———— 水不溶物 Insoluble Substances 通過實驗 ———— 鈣鹽,w/%       ≤ Calcium Salt,w/%         ≤ 0.02 ———— 鐵鹽,mg/kg       ≤ Ferric Salt,mg/kg           ≤ 5.0 ———— 干燥溫度為180℃±2℃,干燥至恒重。   1、Chemical Name: Potassium Citeate 2、Molecular Formula: K3C6H5O7·H2O 3、Molecular Weight: 324.41 4、CAS: 6100-05-6 5、Character: It is transparent crystal or white coarse powder, odorless and tastes salty and cool. Relative density is 1.98. It’s easily deliquescent in air. It’s soluble in water and glycerin, almost insoluble in ethanol. 6、Usage: In food processing industry, it is used as buffer, chelate agent, stabilizer, antioxidant, emulsifier and flavoring. It can be used in dairy product,jelly, jam, meat and tinned pastry. It also can be used as emulsifier in cheese and antistaling agent in oranges, and so on. In pharmaceutical, it is used for hypokalimia, potassium depletion and alkalization of urine. 7、Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 8、Storage and Transport:It should be stored in a dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from heat and moisture during transportation, unloaded with care so as to avoid damage. Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poisonous substances.
  • 雙乙酸鈉  SODIUM DIACETATE 一、化學名:雙乙酸鈉 二、分子式:C4H7O4Na 三、分子量:142.09 四、CAS: 126-96-5   五、性狀:白色結(jié)晶粉末,帶有醋酸氣味,易吸潮,極易溶于水。 六、用途:用作防腐劑、營養(yǎng)調(diào)味劑、消毒劑、飼料中添加可提高蛋白質(zhì)利用率。 七、包裝:內(nèi)襯聚乙烯塑料袋,外套塑料編織袋包裝,每袋凈重25kg。 八、貯存與運輸:貯存在通風清潔庫房中,裝載運輸時要輕裝輕放,防止破損,防止受潮、受熱,運     輸過程中防止雨淋受潮,應(yīng)與有毒物品隔離。   質(zhì)量指標 Specification GB 25538-2010 FCC V 游離乙酸(以干基計),w/%  Free acetic acid,w/% 39.0-41.0 39.0-41.0 乙酸鈉(以干基計),w/%  Sodium acetate,w/% 58.0-60.0 58.0-60.0 水分,w/%                ≤ Moisture ,w/%                ≤ 2.0 2.0 pH值(100g/L溶液) PH value(100g/L solution) 4.5-5.0 4.5-5.0 易氧化物,w/%            ≤ Readily oxidizable substance,w/% ≤ 0.2 0.2 鉛(Pb),mg/kg            ≤ Lead(Pb),mg/kg               ≤        2.0 2.0 1. Chemical Name: :Sodium Diacetate  2. Molecular Formula: C4H7O4Na 3. Molecular Weight: 142.09 4. CAS: 126-96-5  5. Character: White crystalline powder,It has acetic acid odour, easy to absorb moisture and soluble in     water. 6. Usage: It can be used as antiseptic,nutrition seasoning and disinfectant. The addition of feed can increase     the utilization rate of protein. 7. Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 8. Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from heat and     moisture during transportation,unloaded with care so as to avoid damage.Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poisonous substances.  
  • 醋酸鋅   ZINC ACETATE 一、化學名:醋酸鋅 二、分子式:C4H6O4Zn ;C4H6O4Zn•2H2O 三、分子量:無水:183.48,二水:219.51 四、CAS:無水:557-34-6, 二水:5970-45-6 五、性狀:白色晶體粉末或者薄片,微帶醋酸味,可溶于水或乙醇。 六、用途:在食品工業(yè)中用作營養(yǎng)強化劑??勺鳛橛∪久饺緞?nbsp;醫(yī)藥收斂劑,木材防腐劑,瓷器釉料等,也可用于制鋅鹽、<a >測定</a>鈉,<a >硫化</a>氫,<a >蛋白</a>的試劑、色譜分析試劑,媒染劑用于聚酯<a >工業(yè)</a>等。 七、包裝:內(nèi)襯聚乙烯塑料袋,外套復(fù)合塑料編織袋包裝,每袋凈重25kg。 八、貯存與運輸:本品應(yīng)貯存在干燥通風清潔的庫房中,裝載運輸時要輕裝輕放,防止包裝破損,防止受潮、受熱,運輸過程中防止雨淋受潮,應(yīng)與有毒物品隔離。 質(zhì)量指標 Specification GB1903.35-2018 BP2013 含量(C4H6O4Zn•2H2O) ,w/%   ≥ 含量(C4H6O4Zn•2H2O),w/%      ≥ 99.0-101.0 99.0-101.0 PH值 (50g/L,25℃) PH value (50g/L,25℃) 5.8-7.0 5.8-7.0 氯化物(Cl),w/%            ≤ Chlorides (Cl),w/%             ≤ 0.005 0.005 硫酸鹽 (SO42-),w/%          ≤ Sulfates (SO42-),w/%            ≤ 0.01 0.01 鋁(Al),w/%                ≤ Aluminum (Al), w/%            ≤  0.0004 0.0005 砷(As),w/%                ≤ Arsenic(As),w/%               ≤ 0.0002 0.0002 鎘(Cd),w/%                ≤ Cadmium(Cd), w/%             ≤ 0.0002 0.0002 銅(Cu),w/%                ≤ Copper(Cu) ,w/%               ≤ ———— 0.005 鐵(Fe),w/%                ≤ Iron(Fe), w%                  ≤ ———— 0.005 鉛(Pb),w/%                ≤ Lead (Pb),w%                 ≤ ———— 0.001 還原性物質(zhì) Reducing Substance ———— 通過測試   1、Chemical Name: Zinc acetate 2、Molecular Formula : C4H6O4Zn ;C4H6O4Zn•2H2O 3、Molecular Weight: Anhydrate:183.48,Dihydrate:219.51 4、CAS: Anhydrate:557-34-6,Dihydrate:5970-45-6  5、Character:White crystalline powder or thin slice with slightly acetic acid taste, and it’s soluble in water or ethanol. 6、Usage:Used as a nutritional fortifier in the food industry.It can be used as printing and dyeing mordant, medicine convergent agent, wood preservative, porcelain glaze, etc., it can also be used in the production of zinc salt, determination of sodium, hydrogen sulfide, protein reagent, chromatography reagent, mordant for polyester industry. 7、Packing: It is packed with a polyethylene bag as the inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg . 8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry and ventilative warehouse, kept away from heat and moisture during transportation, unloaded with care so as to avoid damage. Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poisonous substance
  • 項目 指標 企業(yè)內(nèi)控標準 部頒標準 美國食品用化學品法典FCC-IV 外觀 白色針狀或粉末結(jié)晶 白色粉末或針狀結(jié)晶 白色結(jié)晶狀粉末 香氣 具有特征水果樣焦甜香氣,無異味 具有水果樣焦甜香氣,無雜氣 具有特征香氣,稀釋時有甜的水果香氣 含量%≥ 99.2 99 99.0 熔點℃ 89.0~92.0 89~92.0 約90 灼燒殘渣%≤ 0.1 0.2 0.2 水分%≤ 0.4 0.5 0.5 砷(AS)%≤ 0.0003 0.0003 — 重金屬(以pb計)%≤ 0.001 0.001 0.002 鉛(pb)%≤ 0.001 — 0.001